Lawmakers consider shared custody laws

When a divorcing couple in Morris County, New Jersey cannot agree on who gets custody of the children, a long, drawn out custody proceeding can ensue. These child custody battles can not only take a toll on the parents, but they can also leave the children in the middle of a feud between their parents, making the divorce even harder on them.

Lawmakers across the country are hoping to avoid this by pushing for shared custody laws. Those who support allowing both parents to have equal time with their children say that it is often in the best interest of the children to do so. They do recognize that there are cases where shared custody is not a good idea, such as instances where there has been abuse or substance abuse.

The National Parents Organization is one group that is behind the idea of shared custody. The founder of the group says that with changing gender roles and more and more men being caretakers for their children, it just makes sense. He also said that there can be frustration on the part of the non-custodial parent because they feel like they do not wield as much power as the custodial parent. A large portion of Americans surveyed also like the idea of shared custody.

If you are going through a divorce and are interested in sharing custody of your children, you may wish to speak with an experienced family law attorney. A lawyer can review your case and help you fight for shared custody.

Source: USA Today, “Shared parenting could be new divorce outcome,” Jonathan Ellis, Jan. 27, 2014
