Common mistakes you should avoid when going through divorce

Anyone in Morris County who has gone through divorce can tell you that it’s probably one of the most difficult challenges a person can go through. Divorce can often lead to very hard feelings towards an ex-spouse and many times couples make poor decisions throughout the divorce process because their emotions get the best of them. However, making some common mistakes during a divorce can hurt you in the long run.

Social media sites are very popular and just about everyone has at least one social media account. However, what many people might no realize is that their social media pages could hurt them while going through a divorce. Social media posts are not private and anything posted on one’s page could be used against him or her in a divorce. Even posts by friends or family, which include the person going through the divorce, could be used against him or her.

It is also important to avoid posts that will portray a person in a negative way. Another common mistake people make on their social media accounts is to post negative comments about their estranged spouse. If a person has made any of these kinds of posts, he or she might think it’s a good idea to delete them. However, that is not recommended because it could have the appearance of evidence tampering.

Obviously, there are many other mistakes people can make during divorce, but these common mistakes are often made without the person even realizing he or she is doing anything wrong. If you are considering divorce, then you might want to meet with an experienced divorce attorney who can help answer your questions and give you sound legal advice to help you avoid these and other mistakes.

Source: Huffington Post, “The divorce mistakes you don't even know you're making,” Taryn Hillin, Mar. 18, 2014
